Monday, October 5, 2009


Just like everyone else in this entire world, I'm really excited to see "Where the Wild Things Are" the movie. I grew up reading the children's book, and have a soft spot for Maurice Sendak's work.

I just came across this little gallery in soho called the Animazing Gallery. (Actually I thought it said the Amazing Gallery for half the day. whoops)

Anyway they're displaying Mr. Sendak's work in conjunction with the movie coming out. As a special treat the Animazing Gallery is showing some of his illustrations too.

yay yay yay! ok now everyone lets go and look!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Boom Boom Pow

hello friends.
and welcome new persons.
here! i found this and i think you will like it.

see? that was beautiful yes?
good. then its settled. i will see you soon